Thursday, May 29, 2008

Molly the Wonderwomen

I only knew Molly the founder of "" from her blog writtings and our brief blog correspondances. It has been a habit for me to check her blog every few days for updates on her treatment. I look forward to good news. Actually I was looking forward to news on the chemo drugs she was on are effective in controlling the cancer.

Today, Molly was called Home to be with the Lord. Now she needs no more chemo drugs. Is this a good news? Can we celebrate?

Yes, we should rejoice that Molly is free from all pain. But being human, we only see our temporary lost. I do not understand why God took Molly Home when she is such an inspiration, encouragement and good testimony. Same as I do not understand why God took mama Home when is it time for her to enjoy her fruit of labour. Nevertheless, I trust God's greater plan.

I believe Molly had fought with that deadly disease, cancer, till the end, never giving up. I also believe she did not fought with the almighty God too. She did her best and left the rest to God.

A Wonderwomen I will miss, till the Lord comes.